Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Bernard Pivot Blogfest and...

Today, February 16th is the Bernard Pivot Blogfest, hosted by the fabulous Nicole Duclerior at her blog One Significant Moment at a Time. For more about the blogfest you can see details, including links to all the participants here. The idea is to get to know eachother by answerin the Bernard Pivot questionairre.

Here it is, with my answers:

1. What is your favorite word?


2. What is your least favorite word?


3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

Music has always been a passion of mine and I find it truly inspiring. There is one problem though. If I have music playing while I write, I find myself staring into space, enjoying the music, instead of writing. Sadly that means I usually write in silence.

4. What turns you off?

Inconsiderate behaviour or unkindness, most body fluids, politicians.

5. What is your favorite curse word?

Bugger! If you've never said it - with passion - you really must try.

6. What sound or noise do you love?

Pop - glug, glug, glug...

7. What sound or noise do you hate?

Persistent barking from my neighbor's dogs (or is it from my neighbor?)

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I always thought it would be fun to be an astronaut.

9. What profession would you not like to do?

There's a really nice chap who comes here once every couple of years to empty our sceptic tank. I *really* don't want his job.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

101 was a great old age, well done!

Thanks for coming by. Do drop in on the other participants and say Hi to them. Thanks Nicole for a fun blogfest.

...and Thank You

I'd like to say a big thank you to J C Martin, Fighter Writer for awarding me the Write Hard award.

I'm particularly grateful because J C Martin has been an inspiration to me. Her writing is amazing, her talent is great and she is a lovely person. If you haven't seen her blog, then please do visit it here. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Great answers! And aww, thanks for the shout-out! I'm blushing now! :)

  2. I am so joining you with martini. In fact, I probably use one now. Glug, glug, glug...

  3. I'm so with you on barking dogs! And all together now, BUGGER!!!

    Bernard Pivot Blogfest

  4. Astronaut, I suppose it beats fireman

  5. Astronaut would be very cool but I'd want to skip ahead to the Enterprise with its holodecks.
    Congrats on the award!

  6. OMG, we used to have the septic tank cleaned at the cafe I worked. I don't think I've ever smelled anything that bad. Fun answers!

  7. "Pop...glug,glug,glug"---Ha!

  8. ewwww. Hemorrhoids is a horrible word.
    And my Dad was going to be an astonaut, until life intervened.

  9. Liked your least favorite word, it ranks right up there I must say

  10. Martini...best cocktail evah. It's wrong that I want one now, and it's only 10:30 am. Maybe tonight...

    Your favorite sound had me cracking up. And I wish 'bugger' worked as a curse word for me. It just doesn't sound bad, though. Must be 'cause I'm too American. Telling someone to 'bugger off' just doesn't carry the same weight as F-you! :))

    Congrats on the award, and thanks for playing along!

  11. Martinis and Bugger get my vote. Love it!

  12. wonderful answers!
    i would not want the septic job either.

  13. Martini is a great word. I'm all about how a word sounds and it has such a happy ring.

  14. Ha! Your first two cracked me up! And I am with you on music... I love it, but if it's on, I am singing or dancing, not writing...

  15. So you really want to live to 101? As they say---that's not for the faint of heart.

    Took a peek at your Tril Tales. I will definitely investigate further.

  16. LOL, great answers. Shaken or stirred? and it's your neighbor, I have one like that :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  17. I'm totally with you on hemorrhoids and septic tanks! :-)

  18. TONY ~
    Good choices for favorite and least favorite words. Your favorite sound was very close to the one I went with, and your least favorite sound (barking dog) was pretty much identical to mine.

    Are you that "long lost Brother" I keep hearing about?

    ~ Stephen

  19. "Pop - glug, glug, glug..."

    I'm not even a drinker and that made me laugh!

  20. Great answers, Tony. I have a friend who became obsessed with saying "Abomination" stretched out and long like a Southern Baptist preacher at a camp meeting. I could have used one of your martini's after a few days of that!

  21. Hi. I got your blog from the crusade thing on Rachael's blog. Nice meeting you.

  22. hi mr tony! for sure a astronaut would be a cool job. i heard that bugger word on tv on a movie but i didnt know it was a swear word. im with you for people being unkind. ack! this was a fun blog fest.
    ...smiles from lenny

  23. It's a cool blogfest. I love your fav sound :)

  24. Great answers. I'm a fellow crusader and follower. :)

  25. Music, alcohol and astronautics - a supreme combination :D

  26. Hi Tony, I'm back from fighting crusading hackers and am rushing around reading some of this blogfrest comments before it's all over! Love your answers and I'm with you on several. I've never tasted a martini but I really should. It's the last one left to try, lol!


  27. LOL Tony. I wouldn't want to be an Astronaut with Hemorrhoids. I will try to remember "bugger." My mom used to say, "Holy Cow!"
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  28. I'm hoping on board the martini train! Whoo whoo.

  29. Martinis? I'm in. I'll have to try bugger!

  30. Martini...ahaha! You're right about the septic job. Yuck!

  31. I can so relate to number 3. The last time I said Bugger, I was slapped on the wrist. Septic business is nasty. Thank goodness I don't have to do it!

  32. I wish I could say "bugger" as my cuss word but I feel like it needs a British accent, and then I just sound so wrong. Bugger.
    See? Doesn't work.

  33. Hi, Fellow Crusader! I love your answers. When it comes to music and writing, I find that I can only listen to soundtracks. If I listen to singing, I start singing along or I type the words from the song. So, I choose different soundtracks depending on the mood of the scene I'm writing.

  34. loved your list. excellent word choices all around. Pop, glug glugg as long at its Guinness.

    This was really special for me: "I think of writing as a kind of conjuring - creating a world in your imagination from the ideas in mine."

    New follower!

  35. BUGGER!!!!!

    That did feel good! :)

  36. Love the word bugger. Makes me think of Ender. I sort of started saying bugger a lot after I read that series. :)

    Hey, I'm also in your crusader group. Nice to meet you.

  37. I'm with ya on the dog barking! Fun answers!

  38. Hey, Tony,

    Your first two answers were hysterical! Your answers put a smile on my face.


  39. Liked your answers :-) I've also always been really passionate about music (been playing instruments since I was 6 and played in an orchestra while I was at school - it was so much fun!) but, like you, I get too distracted by it while writing so I generally write in silence...

  40. Hi there, fellow crusader! Bugger, now that's my kind of curse word. :)

  41. Interesting answers, (and questions.)

    Welcome to the crusade. We shall be victorious! That is, if there's any opportunity for our group to compete against all the other crusader groups!

  42. Hey hey, couldn't help but notice you're a fellow fantasy writer. Nice to meet ya. Love your answers by the way. I look forward to crusading with ya. Cheers!

  43. I just discovered yesterday that my least favorite word(s) was "dry socket." It inspires fear in me just thinking about it. I really liked that set of questions.

  44. I agree with you on the music! The only music I can write to is reliably without distraction is a really old album by Branford Marsalis.

    Loved the pop - glug, glug, glug. Classic example of showing, not telling :) or maybe perhaps sounding, not telling

  45. Pop - glug, glug, glug...
    Ahhhhh. That was great!
    Thanks for sharing your list.
