The challenge is
here, and if you click on the link it will all start to make sense (... sort of).
In this post I intend to bloviate interminably on the given subjects for the First Crusade Challenge. One thing I love, more than anything, is to go, with the Lovely Margo, to a restaurant and have some exotic fuliguline or rabbit dish, accompanied by a glass of the red. It's probably annoying to others that I have red wine with inappropriate dishes, but I'm a cool blade, and I don't care.
Margo says that one of my best character traits is that I am a kind and tolerant person. The trouble is I have no time for impatient or intolerant people. There's a conundrum.
Talking of intolerance, I have a secret to share with you. It's something I've never shared with anyone before. (Sound of trumpets heralding an anouncement...)
Here it is....
I've always wanted to dress up in womens' clothes and be the pantomime dame. The combination of hairy legs with wellington boots and a lacy frock... I'd probably have to get some transfers that look like tattoos, and put on a wig, and there you have it. Widow Twanky. Now I've shared my darkest secret I can't wait for the offers to come in for pantomime 2012.
Something I said here is just not true. Can you believe that? Well, sad to say, I've lied. What do you think I lied about?
And now for something completely different...![]()
I've been awarded the Stylish Blogger award by the lovely Misha at
My First Book. Thank you, Misha. In order to accept this award I have to:
1. Link back to the award givers (check).
2. State Seven things about myself.
3. Pass on the award to 3 recently discovered bloggers.
Ok, well here goes with seven things about myself:
1: I'm a Scorpio (Libra cusp)
2: I like being different. Can't stand conformity
3: I love pretty much every kind of music.
4: I play guitar, melodeon, bodhran and violin, but I also have (and occasionally play) mandolin, ukulele, phono-fiddle, banjo, lyre, bowed psaltery, appalachian dulcimer, bones, spoons, penny whistle, didgeridoo... need I go on?
5: Margo is the one. (No. This doesn't rate #5 in my priorities, but I didn't want to come across as too sappy)
6: We don't have a gas supply here, but the previous people here installed a gas fire that runs off bottled gas. It has a remote control. (Oooh! I hear you say).
7: North Devon, UK, where we live is the most windy, rainy place on planet Earth.
And here I pass the award on to three recently discovered bloggers whose blogs I enjoy:
Shelly BattGen @
Living On EarthLiz @
Laws of GravityDo drop in on them and say Hi!